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New Year, New Word, Same Me

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream – C.S. Lewis

I’m sitting in “my” spot on the couch, sipping tea, listening to Explosions in the Sky.  Fred is, as always, to my right, making sure I don’t do anything too crazy.  Life is, generally speaking, the same as it was a few days ago, before the calendar changed a page and began a new year.

New Year, Same Me

Although we’re already a bit into a new year, it doesn’t seem right to me to move on fully before taking some time to look back.  Y’all know I love some good self-reflection.  For me, this time of year isn’t about changing who I am.  An international move showed me that, fundamentally, I’m the same person no matter the year or where I reside.  But reflection allows me to be the best same me I can be, by helping me to identify patterns and habits I want to keep.  And, of course, ones I want to change or lose altogether.

In so many ways, 2019 was a banner year.  While it didn’t end on the highest note, there are so many things about this year that are noteworthy.  I was able to do and see some pretty amazing stuff with some pretty amazing people.

Intentional, my word for 2019, helped frame the year.  I spent the year practicing deliberate, purposeful decision-making anywhere I could.  I wanted to be proactive about seeing and doing things while we’re abroad, as well as pressing into our community on- and off-post.


Last year, we spent time focusing on relationships primarily through bi-weekly taco nights.  Because it’s important to me to build community on- and off-post, alternating weeks were date nights with Husband.  Of course, it allowed us a chance to connect with each other but it also helped us get to know some of our local restaurants and business owners.  I spent time with Jesus in personal Bible study, a habit I lost consistency in when I moved for the first time way back in 2016.  And, while I worked hard to spend less time on my phone in 2019, let’s just say that’s still an active practice.


This year, writing became more of an intentional practice.  I published more on this blog than I have maybe anywhere else, ever.  I applied for freelance writing positions.  Dipping my toe into an online writing community, I remotely attended the Hopewriters Conference in the fall.  I plan to join the group officially when they open for enrollment later in the month.  Surprisingly, I read 19 books during the year – more than I have since my “book a week” challenge in 2014.


I wanted to continue learning new things and being present.  For me, this is often best done through travel.  Getting out of my comfort zone keeps me on my toes.  In 2019, I visited 5 countries and took 3 trips domestically.  In light of my word of the year, I tried to be conscious of the souvenirs I brought home, only choosing smaller things that I loved.  When I wasn’t traveling, I savored countless cups of coffee in small shops around town.  I started a regular practice of reflection and put into words things about myself that I knew, but maybe hadn’t recognized yet.  And, oh yeah, I climbed a mountain!

2019 was also a year where life, as it does, made some decisions for me.  Japan ushered in a new era, the Reiwa era, in May.  While we weren’t directly involved in any of the pomp and circumstance, I did watch some of the news coverage.  Plus, it’s just fun to know we were here.

As many of you know, we also lost our first baby in the fall.  Both the pregnancy and the loss were unexpected, but, thankfully I was given a clean bill of health before Christmas.  Although our hearts are heavy even still, we were able to ring in 2020 without lingering doctors’ phone calls or blood draws.

This year, we watched the calendar reset at a shrine not far from our house.  The local community was out in full, participating in the cultural traditions of hatsumode (first prayers), and joya no kane (bell ringing) literally ringing in the new year with prayers at the local shrine.  There was food and fire and laughter and energy, and it was good.

As in years past, I’ve been taking the first few days in January to think about my word of the year for 2020.  Although I had it picked out fairly in December, I decided to follow the prompts over at My One Word anyway.  The result was a lot of great, true, applicable words, but one continued to stick out to me.


A Google search defines focus as “adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly. Pay particular attention to.”  This seems right to me.  In light of this definition, I’ve identified four areas I really want to focus on throughout 2020.


Particularly on my mental health. The last few years (and, honestly, the last few months) have taken a toll on me, and I see trends that didn’t use to be quite so prevalent.  I hope to practice more gratitude.  Like last year, I plan to continue seeking regular quiet times and journaling to help me filter through all the noise.  I’d like to start seeing a counselor again to help to reduce the fear and anxiety that seems to have crept in.  Cultivating a regular exercise routine of something I enjoy, like dance, is also part of this category.  Additionally, I’ll continue to practice good social media habits and taking better stock of how I’m spending my time.


Of course, I want to continue building relationships and community.  This includes our bi-weekly hosting of friends in our home, with date nights on the alternate weeks.  I plan to still have monthly ladies’ nights.  As silly as it sounds, I want to practice making friends.  When I moved back home after college, the skill kind of left me.  It’s time to bring it back for real, especially in light of an impending move.  Oh, military life!  I’m also (loosely) learning Japanese.  I’d like to be able to communicate better with the locals, even if only slightly.  In that same vein, travel is still on the list, of course!  Regular traveling keeps me focused on the present and learning new things.  It also helps me relate to all kinds of people more easily.  Plus, I like it and we all need more things in life that we like.


While I don’t have a traditional job right now, I have picked up some private English lessons.  My current clients sought me out, so I’m not sure I’ll take on too many more…but maybe.  I would like to keep plugging away at writing publicly, even if it never turns in to anything.  Writing is how I process the world, and I can tell when I haven’t been doing enough of it.  By joining an online writing community, I hope to learn from other writers and continue finding my voice.  I want to have a regular practice of publishing my work both here and out in the world.  To do this, I will need to make writing more of a priority than it’s been.

Our Home

Although still a while away, both Husband and I know we won’t be in Japan forever.  Ideally, I want to start paring down what we own to make the transition to our next home easier.  I want to stop being a stuff manager and bring us down to the essentials, with more open space for bringing people, and new things we love, into our home.  Our home wasn’t doing a bad job of serving us and our needs, but I’d like to refresh our style a bit.  Hopefully, in doing so, we’ll get a clear sense of what we’re really using and what can find a new home.  I want to keep being intentional about what we bring into the house, from everyday purchases like a new shirt to souvenirs from trips.


How about you?  How has 2020 started off for you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts about the end of 2019 and where you hope to go in 2020.  If you have a word of the year, would you please share it with me?  As always, thanks for reading.

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